Eligibility & Rules

The following are the rules for the 2024 hackathon event.

A. Registration

  1. Students should register individually with their respective universities.
  2. Participation in this event is FREE and only available to students from the participating universities.

B. Team Formation

  1. Each team must have only 3 – 5 students from the participating universities (with at least 50% undergraduate students).
  2. Teams with members from different participating institutions and disciplinary backgrounds are encouraged.
  3. Each participant may only be associated with one team.
  4. Teams may add, remove, or replace team members before the interim reporting on 6 Oct 2024.

C. Technology use and stage of entry

  1. Technology use: Participants are allowed to use any AI-related programming language, tools, or frameworks, as long as they comply with the licenses and terms of use.
  2. Stage of innovation: Entry must only be at preliminary conceptual or ideation stage.

D. Submission and Judging

  1. Novelity: Your final submission must not be the same solution or prototype that you have previously submitted for another competition or an assessment. However, you may enter your plans into other competitions afterwards.
  2. Deliverables: All teams must submit their pitch deck and working prototypes by 16 Oct 2024. Submission must clearly indicate the social problem and feasible technology use and business plan.
  3. Judging criteria: All teams will be evaluated in accordance with the predefined judging criteria based on the team’s pitch deck, oral presentation, and working prototype. Judges’ decisions will be final.
  4. Prizes: Teams will be awarded prizes based on their performance according to the judging criteria.

E. Code of Conduct

  1. Conduct: Participants promote a respectful, inclusive, and harassment-free environment. Any violation of the code of conduct may result in disqualification or removal from the event.
  2. Plagiarism: Any form of plagiarism will result in disqualification.

Photo: Pitching and judging from the 2023 event.

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